Old and New Testament themes: God’s leaders and purpose in history; Paul’s missions
Weekly Scripture memory
Integration of Biblical worldview in all subjects
Language Arts
Listening and speaking: recall, summarize, inform, persuade, entertain, and question
Spelling and vocabulary: phonetic strategies, syllabication, Latin root words and prefixes
Reading fluency and comprehension strategies in guided and silent reading
Literature appreciation; literary devices including story structure and figurative language
Writing: multi-paragraph selections including reflections, narratives, poems, letters, essays, expository writing, and imaginative stories; focus on organization and style
Grammar, including sentence structure, parts of speech, and conventions
Reference skills, including introduction to the research process
Numbers and operations including mastery of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts; long division; operations with whole and decimal numbers
Fractions and decimal numbers, including addition and subtraction
Measurement: Time, money, schedules, customary and metric measurement of length, weight, temperature, capacity, volume, area, and perimeter;
Geometry: Properties of plane and solid figures, congruence, symmetry; lines, points, rays; measurement of circles, terminology for angles
Graphs and statistics: Construction and interpretation of charts, tables, and graphs; use of ordered pairs on a first quadrant graph; mean, median, mode, and range
Ratio, proportion, and percent
Estimation: Estimation of products, quotients, sums, and differences by rounding
Algebraic reasoning: commutative, associative, distributive, and identity properties; concept of equality; unknowns; order of operations
Problem solving: Multi-step problems; strategies
Social Studies
Civics: U.S. Constitution; Bill of Rights
Economics: Supply and demand; resources
Geography: States and capitals; Map skills
American history: Exploration to the Civil War
Science: Three science lab classes per week
Life science: Characteristics of organisms; ecosystems, photosynthesis, respiration, pollination, fertilization; life cycles; structure and function of organs; dissection lab
Earth science: Structure of the earth, rocks; sources and uses of fresh water; climate zones; weather maps and charts; seasons related to position of earth; moon phases; scientific study of space
Physical science: Metric measurement – length, area, volume; mass, weight, density; light and sound, including spectrum, movement, reflection and refraction; light technology; sound waves, pitch, volume, intensity, amplification, transmission; static electricity – sources, transmission, magnetism, safety
Technology: One class per week
Advanced functions of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point; computer programming
Research: Location, selection, and evaluation of information; plagiarism
Foreign Language: One class per week
Survey of conversational Spanish and Spanish culture
Physical Education: Two classes per week
Personal fitness, competitive and non-competitive team games, positions, and rules; weekly mile run; technique and form for track and field events; sportsmanship
Art: One class per week
Elements of visual arts, principles of design, media techniques and processes, recognizing art in historical and cultural context
Music: Two classes per week
Exploration of rhythm, melody, harmony, pitch, music theory, and music appreciation
Instrumental instruction on the recorder; individual and ensemble recorder performance